Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am 8 Bit

While I am still high off my second cup of coffee... I'm posting this one for the upcoming event of the decade. In my case, a couple of decades ago when video games were new and most people who might read this weren't even proverbial sparks in the eyes of their parents... I played Pong and it fractured my skull! Loved it!

Go see the "I Am 8 Bit" opening Thursday night August 14, 2008
8pm to Midnight.
World of Wonder Gallery
6650 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA

Gonna be some great stuff to sink into the gray matter.

On the lighter end of things... I was lucky enough to get myself interviewed and tossed up on the Juxtapoz site for a few minutes. Thanks Tina and Derek... check out all the posts for Hunt and Gather....


1 comment:

Beers said...

wish i could make it bud. gonna be up in SB area any time soon?