Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dragfest 2009 Weekend

Another pic blog without much copy... There aren't many things that can disturb the senses quite like the ear crushing blast of a top fuel dragster. Two of them launching in chorus is enough to make your ears bleed and leave you trying to shake the echoing ring out of your head. The smell of nitro a split second before the eye burning fumes cross your path... pure excitement. People who know me know that I have no sense of smell, but that experience is something you can taste. Something you feel in the air that puts your whole system on alert. Its adrenaline and panic mixed with anticipation and passion.
To be able to drive your race car to the track, make your passes and have a good time... thats what its all about. Dragfest was a great weekend. Not too many events where you can see so many nostalgic gassers, rails, funny cars and other drag cars come out and tear up the strip. Good times...


Mills said...

I just kicked myself in the nuts for not going.

Racecar 13 said...

I already kneed myself over not having a real camera. I'm icing right now, trying to figure out how to swing it. Since Rick raced, I could have gotten down on the line. Next time I race too... I'll have a camera then for sure...

The Tank Gyrl said...

I knew I should have gone... dammit. Next year.