Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The things you can find out about yourself online.

Everybody Googles their name once in a while. As an artist, getting exposure online means business. Usually the business of "me" is mine... Never gave it much thought. Its always a kick in the shorts to see who else is out there and how they got on your search. Today I found a winner. On my quick Google search rambling I came across Art 98 Turns out I can order a genuine hand painted Chinese reproduction of my very own artwork.
At first I was a little pissed off. But then I started to think about it. How cool would it be to order up an actual hand painted reproduction of my own piece? I read on the site that they will even take a photo of it in progress to see if you want changes made... These guys are great! They even included the title of the publication they stole it from next to my name on the piece. I'm going to read more about the prices and see if i can get a bro deal...
Just for grins, I put up the original piece... Racecar Mother... Their reproduction photo was a little sloppy.


akirophoto said...


Kendra Fleharty said...

Actually it does sounds pretty darn cool.

mills said...

This is what happens when you make killer art and the world is full of fucking assholes!

JShea9 said...

racecar 13.......

made in china.......

i knew all that detail had be made by little hands.....

now folks are going to protest your practices.....

just like they protest against nike.......