Monday, October 19, 2009

Semper Fi part 2

Artwork in Afghanistan. My new friends in the Marines have landed in country and setup shop. Its still kind of a trip to know a small piece of what I do is hanging on a wall over there. From what i've been told, there is a whole lot of info that cannot be sent, pics that can't be posted... secret stuff that rivals the James Bond stories. But there may be some more photos and posts over time. I was also told by my friend in the pic that the Marines require sunglasses to be worn in photos. I thought they were just for the cool factor... Not that the trusty little peace keeper didn't add enough attitude.

1 comment:

LOTA said...

How cool is that? :) I love this post... that's an impressive photo. I'm so glad he sent it. There's so much to be said for a personal connection after all we hear and read in the news. I hope he keeps in touch when possible. I'd love to hear how they're doing.