Tuesday, March 18, 2008

180 Specials of the day...

180 hours, 180 cups of coffee, 180 repetitions of "Today's Special", 180 ways to decorate the same rectangle in a new way. Almost 180 spelling errors. 

One hundred and eighty days of photos taken over a two year period put together to document what one routine can produce. There were multiple days of bad photos, mornings I forgot the camera or when the battery was dead. Towards the end of the sessions, the upper left hand section had the letters permanently worn through the board. The edges were getting beat up and the surface was wearing thin all over. These boards are in not specific order but you can tell the earlier specials from the stiff handwriting and funky spacing. If  you're curious enough to stare, I hope you get a kick out of it. 
A side note: One board took a few seconds off my fifteen minutes of fame. Intern Ross spent a day at the shop. I made him a special "special" that got a few laughs on the Tonight Show.

Oddly enough, I never got a straight shot of this board.


Sheryl said...

Oh my WORD, Tanner!!! That is so cool. I especially like the fishes flipping the bird with their fins and the "shit on a shingle"... HA HA! Those are great. I love that you have a blog now. Very appropriate. Check mine at: Schroederville.blogspot.com
Blogspot is great.

Jason Hallows said...

Ross the intern man...

Beers said...

fuckin awesome! i like the pissed off fish for the fish tacos. hes always giving the finger. those are epic man